The Directorate-General for Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) of Chile has developed a novel holographic system that will inform about the measures that the passenger must adopt at the time of passing through the airport security control of the Arturo Merino Benítez airport in Santiago de Chile.


The Directorate-General for Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) of Chile will implement a modern holographic system in the terminal of the airport of Santiago de Chile for passengers of national and international flights that will inform them about the measures they must adopt when passing through the airport security control. The Secretary General of the DGCA, Pablo Ortega, has ensured that “the holograms will be located in prominent places of the Santiago airport, so that passengers can be informed in a timely manner of those elements that they cannot carry on the flight”. Ortega explained that “With this measure we hope to considerably reduce the check-up time and decongest the spaces destined to accumulate the requisitioned elements”.

The system is based on telepresence, I mean, that the image of a person is projected in real size through an acrylic cut out in the form of a silhouette, a projector of 6.000 ANSI lumens and computer programs that manage to mix the images, with the sound and speech of the projected person.

Pioneering project

In order to safeguard and protect aircraft, Passengers, Load, Mail & Supplies, The professionals of the organism make these holograms available to users, New means of communicating the elements that are prohibited in both hand and checked baggage and that are retained at the time of boarding. This technology will be the first of its kind to be installed at an airport in the Americas, and the third worldwide.

The development of this means of communication was in charge of the Department of Communications of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics and has involved a work of five months of different specialists. The DGAC has informed that the holograms will be subjected to an impact study, during the first six months of this year, After which the decision will be made to replicate them in the main air terminals of the Andean country.

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By • 28 Sea, 2012
• Section: General