The Alhambra in Granada has launched a comprehensive security system of the latest technology for the protection of people, goods and information and to deal with emergency situations in a monument, the most visited in Spain, which also has the declaration of World Heritage.


The Alhambra in Granada has started the road to becoming the safest monument in Spain, thanks to the implementation of a comprehensive security system for the protection of people, goods and information. This action is part of the measures contemplated in the Master Plan of the Alhambra (2007-2015), the roadmap that will mark the challenges to be faced by the monumental complex in the XXI century, within the Strategic Line 2 (Sustainability) and LE4 (The Alhambra in the Information and Knowledge Society).

With an investment of 1,8 millions of euros, the integral security system of the Alhambra will allow the management of surveillance devices, access control and self-protection of both visitors and people who work in the enclosure.

To make this state-of-the-art system a reality, it has been necessary to install a network of non-existent connections in the Alhambra., being a place built in the Middle Ages, through fiber optics and Wi-Fi connection. Among the most innovative actions of the system are the possibility of solving incidents of visitors in the access controls during their stay in the enclosure and the possibility of detecting, at any time, an emergency with organized tourism groups, through a system of location of people that minimizes the times of action.

The coordination of the system will be carried out from the security control center, located in the Huerta de Fuentepeña Building, which has been equipped with a control room from which all the information provided by the cameras installed throughout the route is managed and monitored.

The integral security system is concretized in a closed circuit television, With 85 cameras distributed throughout the sites of the enclosure, as well as two video recorders and a videowall, that allows the viewing of these cameras; access control via input and output lathes and PDA readers; Intercom; location via wireless cards or tags used by security guards and tour guides; fiber optic communications, of a wireless network based on Wi-Fi and mobile radiotelephony technology, and an intrusion and fire system with an alarm receiving center.

Another novelty of this plan is to also guarantee the security of the information for authentication, confidentiality, Integrity, availability and auditability of the same, and thus cope with the impact of failures, unauthorized access, information leaks, vandalism and any other type of security incidents.

To achieve the optimal functioning of this system, the Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife plans to create an advisory committee made up of representatives of the institutions that can contribute their experience, knowledge and advice on self-protection, as well as intervene in an emergency that requires the help of specialized agents.

In this sense and for the development of this project, has had the collaboration of professionals and companies of high prestige in the field of security, self-protection and the prevention of occupational risks, consulting and new technologies. Among them are Simave Security, Securitas Seguridad España S.A, Servitickets, BPP-INNOVES S.L, Novotec Consultores S.A, AREMAT S.L., Bados Navarro, Afersa, Global Retail, Novomedia, M.J.. Locksmiths, Constructions Otero and Abel Bermúdez del Valle.

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By • 7 Dec, 2011
• Section: Case studies, Infrastructure, Networks, Video surveillance