D-Link has appointed Antonio Navarro Director of Sales and Marketing in Iberia, which thus expands its responsibilities to take charge of the commercial and marketing strategy of the company for Spain and Portugal.

D-Link, Global provider of network and communications solutions for consumers and businesses, has announced the appointment of Antonio Navarro as Sales & Marketing Manager of the company for Spain and Portugal. The manager, which to date occupied the commercial management in Spain, thus expands its responsibilities to take charge of the firm's strategy in both countries, both commercial and marketing.

Navarro joined D-Link in 2005, and since then his work has contributed decisively to the consolidation of the company in Spain, to place it among the top three networking manufacturers in our country. Previously, had held positions of responsibility in some of the leading providers in the network and communications sector, such as 3Com.

In your new position, Antonio Navarro will be in charge of D-Link's commercial operations in the Iberian market, as well as marketing operations, Oriented, Mainly, to the generation of demand and the management of relationships with the partners of the multinational in both countries.

Antonio Navarro has a degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid and studied Computer Engineering at the UNED.

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By • 18 Nov, 2011
• Section: Business