With BC Diid a large distributor of safety products was born for Spain and Portugal, the result of the merger of both companies, which will have more than a hundred employees and 10 Delegations.

Ignacio Barandiaran and Ricardo Da Costa, BC Diid directors

Diid And BC Security have merged to lead to a large distribution group of safety products in Spain and Portugal. They will operate under the BC Diid brand and the management of Ignacio Barandiarán and Ricardo Da Costa. The company will have more than a hundred employees and a total of 10 delegations in the Iberian Peninsula, being present in Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Las Palmas, Tenerife and Santander; while in Portugal it will have locations in Braga, Gaia, Lisbon and Madeira.

Ignacio Barandiarán has ensured that this merger represents "the creation of a giant of the distribution of safety products that will have closeness to the customer as the highest priority".

The union of the staff of both companies in BC Diid will mean greater logistical efficiency, better technical service, expanding catalog and greater proximity to customers, that will operate normally with the group during the merger process and onwards.

For its part, Ricardo Da Costa, stressed that this union represents "a great opportunity for growth and the creation of strategic synergies to climb positions in the international market".

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By • 3 Apr, 2019
• Section: Business