This product line offers a new way to achieve long-distance transmission between IP cameras and switches, allowing the design of the security system to be more flexible, with improved reliability and great savings in construction and wiring costs.

Dahua ePoE IP

Dahua Technology has launched a number of ePoE products that simplifies installation, normally used in large-scale and outdoor infrastructures, reducing the number of switches, PoE extenders and adapters. Only one cable is required for assembly, which is an easier installation to maintain, more reliable and cheaper.

Dahua's ePoE IP system features a simplified configuration, with a special ePoE switch and NVR. The only satellite appliances needed are the ePoE IPC at the end of an individual cable, attached to an EOC converter in analog branches.

Dahua ITC237-PW1A-IRZ2The long transmission distance is one of the features of the ePoE. A cable 300 meters in length has a broadband of 100 Mbps and a PoE load capacity of 25.5W. The same, a cable of 800 meters in length has a broadband of 10 Mbps and a PoE load capacity of 13W.

Dahua's ePoE technology offers a new way to achieve long-distance transmission between IP cameras and switches, allowing the design of the video surveillance system to be more flexible, with improved reliability and great savings in construction and wiring costs.

Dahua ePoE IPUpgrading from an analogue system to an ePoE system using a pair of EOC converters has also been simplified. The user will thus benefit from high definition video, smart use, a remote control system and third-party integration.

By reducing the number of switches, you can also save on other video surveillance components, such as installation work and wiring.

It's also an eco-friendly system. In a conventional system, power consumption per switch is 3W (and it will take more than one to cover distances greater than 100 Meters). Switching to the ePoE IP system saves a total of 21W, because it only requires an ePoE switch regardless of the distance covered (or 0.5kWh a day, 15kWh per month or 182.5kWh per year). Annual coal emissions are reduced by around 143 Kg.

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By • 25 Jul, 2017
• Section: Infrastructure, Networks, Video surveillance